TM Promos You Can Directly Load from Globe Autoload Max.
TM Promos that you can ask the retailer store or reloading station to directly load to your TM Prepaid mobile number. There are times that we want our load to be converted to a certain promo to avoid load "eat-up" or avoid unexpected charges from Telecom Provider. Sometimes, we request the load retailer to load a certain or particular promo directly to our mobile number. Some retailers know how to use the Globe AutoLoadMax *100# menu but there are few load retailers that don't know how to use or load a direct promo to our mobile number.
I have an experienced before that when I request for a direct promo to my TM mobile number the retailer store crew told me that there is no such direct promo available. I think that it's because they don't know or they don't want or they don't want to pay for wrong promo that they might sent. I don't want to judge them for unproven theory and belief that I have.
Below is the list of TM Promos the Load Retailer or Globe AutoLoadMax can directly load to your mobile number.
For CallTxt Promos
1. TXT10
2. UA10
3. COMBO10
4. COMBO15
6. A20FB
7. A20YT
8. A20ML
9. A20WP
10. ALLNET20
12. TM EasyPLAN150
13. COMBO20
14. FB30
15. FB50
16. GG30
17. GG50
For Surf Promos
3. FB10
4. FB15
5. FB30
6. FB50
7. GG50
8. GG50
9. EasyWATCH99
For Call and Text Abroad
2. TipIDD30
For Globe AutoLoadMax Retailer Store/Reloading.
For Globe AutoLoadMax Retailer Store/Reloading.
How to Load Promo Directly to TM Mobile Number.
Dial *100# press call, choose <Promo Category> then select <Telco Promos> input <Mobile Number> choose <promo> then confirm.
Dial *100# press call, choose <CallTxt Promos> then select <TM Promos> input <09971234567> choose <A20FB> then confirm.
Dial *100# press call, choose <Promo Category> then select <Telco Promos> input <Mobile Number> choose <promo> then confirm.
Dial *100# press call, choose <CallTxt Promos> then select <TM Promos> input <09971234567> choose <A20FB> then confirm.
Below is the list of Globe AutoLoadMax Retailer Menu & Category for TM Promos.
1. Regular Load >>TM/Globe/Cherry Number>>Amount>>Confirm.
2. CallTxt Promos>>TM Promos>>TM Number>>Choose below.
1. TXT10
2. UA10
3. COMBO10
4. COMBO15
6. A20FB
7. A20YT
8. A20ML
9. A20WP
10. ALLNET20
11. ALLIN30
12. TM EasyPLAN150
13. COMBO20
14. FB30
15. FB50
16. GG30
17. GG50
3. Surf Promos>>TM Promos>>TM Number>>Choose below.
1. GoSURF/EasySURF15
2. GoSURF/EasySURF50
3. FB10
4. FB15
5. FB30
6. FB50
7. GG30
8. GG50
9. EasyWATCH99
4. Call and Text Abroad>>TM Promos>>TM Number>>Choose below.
2. TipIDD30
Note: I omitted some portion and the last portion which is not for TM Promos.
Hope you find useful information on this post. Thank you for reading this post.
This promo works for TM Sim only.
Related Topics: TM Speed Refresh 300, TM Speed Refresh 500.
Last modified: Jan. 5, 2020
Thank you for reading this post.
Please always check the last modified for up-to-date promo.
Source: TM *143# Menu.
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